Hello friends! Hope you all are well and good, possessing a good health of body and mind.

Ideas can pop out anywhere, anytime and in any situation.



Everyone is an artist. How?? Art is not only drawing. It’s about creativity. Cooking is an art, writing is an art, Dancing is an art, singing is an art and there are endless forms of art.

Everyone is a cook. How?? Chefs cook dishes. Authors and poets cook thoughts. Artists cook ideas.

Everyone is a writer. This will automatically get justified as you move down.

Writing together is fun.

A few months ago, I published a post – Tell us your unique quotes!! where everyone was asked to tell a self created quotation. So today, I’ll be combining all the beautiful thoughts of all the beautiful people who responded there. So, here we go:

  1. Jokerswild
  • Always go the extra mile, it’s less crowded there.
  • If you get knocked down, if you can look up then you can get up.

2. Rashi Singh

The world is only as beautiful as you make it.

3. Jayla Sulka

The world needs you to be who you were made to be.

4. Himanshi

A wise man looks both ways while crossing a single lane road.

5. Anvesha: “I’m not too much of a deep thinking person but there are some quotes that has motivated me a long way through. (THEY ARE NOT MINE BUT I HAVE EDITED THEM A LITTLE.)”

  • It’s alright not to have a dream, it possible not to have one. you just have to be happy.
  • You think you are alone but no, everyone’s running with you.
  • Life isn’t about living along but living through.
  • Don’t stress the could haves. if it should have, it would have.
  • Your presence can give happiness. I hope you remember that.
  • you are born to be real, not to be perfect.
  • In the end they gonna judge me anyway.So, whatever.

6. Besondersite

The desire to achieve kindles determination in me.

7. Artjanebeckman

Be Happy as much as you can , Sing Dance laugh and be happy.

8. Anonymous (I receives some comments without any name):

  • Strive for success.
  • If u want to live happy.. stop doing fucking in your life..!!
  • Sunset is the proof that …. ending can be beautiful..!!
  • Life is a dream. We wake up when we die.
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Sharing thoughts is what we bloggers love. So, keep sharing your quotes below.

I was really impressed with all the comments I received. Some of them are so so so so so good, I read them again and again. The one I liked the most was the quote posted by my friend Himanshi:

A wise man looks both ways while crossing a single lane road.

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 “Creativity is intelligence having fun.” — Albert Einstein


The game is still on. If you missed it, no issues. You can comment your self created quotes below or on my older post as well.

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Tell us which one was your favorite.  And ADD YOURS too because ideas can pop out anywhere and anytime.

“Creativity doesn’t wait for that perfect moment. It fashions its own perfect moments out of ordinary ones.” — Bruce Garrabrandt



Add yours

  1. I absolutely loved this post. I write down quotes almost everyday for my children as words of encouragement and affirmation. It rubbed off on them and they started to write their own. Here are a few of my favorites.

    1. Everyone is a 10 somewhere at something.
    2. If you change your attitude you will change your outcome
    3. Smile you’ll feel better

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Hey thanks for adding mine!
    Here are a few others (Though, these ones aren’t mine):
    Starve your distractions,
    Feed your focus.
    -Jay Shetty

    Practise like you’ve never won
    Perform like you’ve never lost.

    Liked by 3 people

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