Thanks a lot to Suzi Tench for nominating me for this award. I really feel delighted and honored for this nomination. Suzi is an amazing blogger. You can learn more about Suzi here: About Suzi

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There are some rules that go along with the nomination. It is by no means required to make a post if you are nominated, but here they are!

  • Thank the blogger(s) for nominating you and give the link to their blog!
  • Write a post on your site, displaying the award, that describes why you started your blog.
  • Write 2 pieces of advice you have for new bloggers.
  • Nominate (and notify!) 15 more bloggers that are awesome.

I started this blog in 2017. It was a random idea which just popped into my mind with the agenda of sharing my work throughout the world and getting to know new people. I started with writing some basic poems like ExaminationsMoney and Love and then proceeded with some quotes. I write about my experiences of day to day life, my environment and the deep thoughts which jump in my mind for a long time. So, that’s how I grew and my blog too.

In the time that I have been blogging, I have learned a few things and my 2 key pieces of advice to anyone on their blogging journey would be…

  1. Never force your brain to think and write. Ideas give the best output when they come out naturally and not by over-thinking and pressurizing your brain. Even if you post rarely, what you post should be of high value.
  2. Don’t be greedy for likes and followers. Your content will spread automatically. You can make use of community pools and blog parties but never expect to get too many. If you are good, people will come themselves to praise you.

Two of my favorite posts: EXAMINATIONS and STRESS

My Nominees:

  1. Cheche Winnie
  2. Radhikasreflection
  3. Jyoti
  4. Learnography
  5. Susiesopinions
  6. Crushed Caramel
  7. Ghostmmnc
  8. Stevescountry
  9. @bereavedandbeingasingleparent
  10. It’s good to be crazy sometimes
  11. Nova
  12. Popsicle society
  13. SadjiAnamika
  14. Ketcage
  15. Winnie


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  1. Thank you so much for the honor, and congratulations to you. I can’t promise that I will have time to do it, as I am still clearing thousands of WordPress emails, but will let you if I do.

    Again, thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

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